Friday, 13 October 2017

Kidney Treatment: A Continuous Cycle of Treatment for Survival

Kidney treatment facility

Kidney treatment is a procedure which is expensive and the person who is diagnosed with chronic kidney disease will be attending these treatment sessions for their life time. The term “chronic kidney disease” means lasting damage to the kidneys that can get worse over time. If the damage is very bad, your kidneys may stop working.
Bilqees Sarwar Hospital, a charitable organization is facilitating patients who are diagnosed for chronic kidney disease (CKD) on highly subsidized rates. The hospital is equipped with state of the art machinery under the supervision of highly skilled doctors. In this continuous treatment for in-patient procedures; medications and hygienic food are provided along with the treatment. The initial step of BSH development in welfare of society not only bound to help patients for kidney diseases but the other sector of healthcare is in provision as the dialysis centre inauguration proves the high standards achieved by BSH are one of the best examples set in healthcare industry.

Ophthalmology Resources and Limitations for Treatment

Ophthalmology Resources and Limitations for Treatment

Statistics shows that in Pakistan more than three million of people are suffering from different eye diseases. The main reasons of eye diseases in Pakistan include use of contaminated water, dust, smoke and change in climatic conditions which causes different allergies. The patients should visit eye specialists immediately, if they feel any change in their eyesight. The ratio of laser eye treatment in this regard increases to 13 percent compared to previous year which may result in shortage of vision correction procedures limitations.

BSH Facilitation in Outpatient Procedures

BSH Facilitation in Outpatient Procedures

BSH a charitable hospital, provides the amputee patient with outpatient treatment interventions throughout their entire treatments. It begins with the basic facilities for outpatient procedures, which concentrates on Allergy treatment, Diagnostic testing, Cardiology, Injections, Respiratory medicine, Neurology, Dietetics and nutrition in daily activities. It progresses to assisting in fitting and ultimately training in ambulation with the prosthesis. Returning to an active life and normal daily and recreational activities is our ultimate goal. BSH programs also provides a monthly follow up treatments and routine checkups all address the patient's needs.

NGO Contributions to Healthcare Sector in Pakistan

NGO Contributions to Healthcare Sector in Pakistan

According to analyst, 25 million Pakistanis are under kidney treatment and Punjab has 19 percent of such patients, threatening healthcare resources globally. The budgeting set by government in healthcare institutions are limited but charity hospital contributions support this cause as backbone for those patients whose affordability is out of question for the treatment. The main aim of providing subsidies is to create awareness among the general public for improvement of their health through health education. To help deserving and talented students and provide financial support to widows and poor families who cannot afford treatment on their own.

Make a Donation and Make a Difference

Make a Donation and Make a Difference

We raise money for Bilqees Sarwar Hospital in order to go above and beyond the healthcare provisions. BSH supports the different departments and wards, helping to provide the best medical equipment, research and facilities for patients and staff. Donate to charity so we’ll never stop striving to make it better for those who does not have affordability to such expensive treatments.

1 comment:

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